Services are offered in a variety of different formats to meet the needs of the child and family.
Private/Individual Therapy Sessions (In person or Online)
- Speech-Language Therapy: individual and private 30 or 45-minute therapy session.
- Feeding Therapy: individual therapy session with parent present for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- Play Therapy: individual therapy session with parent (optional) present for 30 or 45-minute therapy sessions.
- Social-Language (Pragmatic) Therapy: individual session with parent (optional) for 45 minute therapy sessions.
Semi-Private/Small Group Therapy Sessions:
- Speech-Language Therapy: small group of 2-3 children working on similar speech-language needs, 45 minutes to 1 hour in length.
- Feeding Therapy: small group of 2-3 children working on establishing similar feeding goals, 45 minutes in length.
- Play Therapy: small group of 2-5 children working on developing play skills and expanding language use, 50 minutes in length.
- Social-Language Therapy: small group sessions of 2-5 age and skill-matched children working on developing similar social-language, interaction, reciprocal play and cooperation skills, 50 minutes in length.
Collaborative Sessions:
We are able to offer collaborative sessions with Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy to work on developing and maintaining sensory regulation and balance for:
- Increased language processing and use
- Improved motor planning for speech and feeding
- Improved attention and awareness for following directions
- Increased ability to engage and interact with peers
Special population groups:
We offer small group sessions for individuals with Autism and Down syndrome for both social-pragmatics and feeding therapy in a more specialized approach for their specific diagnosis.
Therapy sessions will generally focus on establishing a combination of the following skills:
- Speech: Development of vowels, consonants and consonant clusters, precision and accuracy of speech sounds, motor planning and execution of sound production from a single sound to single syllables to multi-syllabic words; and voice – pitch, loudness and resonance
- Oral Motor: Tone development, drooling; and tongue trust or “reverse swallow” pattern
- Feeding: Poor weight gain, history of reflux, food intolerances or allergies, difficulty accepting nipple/bottle, difficulty transitioning to table foods, limited diet (> 10 accepted foods); and transitioning off of tube or supplemental feedings
- Oral Language: Receptive and expressive vocabulary, grammar, word finding, questions, inferencing, problem solving and logical thinking
- Written Language: Organization, planning and executing written language using appropriate vocabulary and grammar
- Auditory Processing: Attention, memory and processing of incoming auditory information
- Social-Pragmatics: Peer relationships, friendships and cooperation, flexibility in unexpected situations and play dates, structured and instructed play environments